Build Your Own Superfast Polyphonic Octaver Pedal with DT-FOG Module

Introduction to DT-FOG Module

Unlike other polyphonic octaver pedals those have significant latency, DT-FOG module produce octave and sub-octave with almost imperceptible latency. The DT-FOG module processes transient and non-transient signal components separately. This separation enable the transient processor to have superfast latency as low as 1/100 seconds (10 milliseconds), and the non-transient processor to have a good frequency resolution for transpose accuracy. You can see the demo in the following video:

Other demo videos of FOG pedal, including that demonstrates the latency testing, are shown in the playlist here:

Basically, DT-FOG is a superfast polyphonic octaver module designed for guitar effect pedal application that has the following features:

  • Independent control for dry, octave, and sub-octave levels
  • Superfast transient processing (1/100 second latency)
  • High frequency resolution for non-transient signal
  • Glitch-free tracking
  • Designed for true bypass wiring

DT-FOG Pedal Application Circuit’s Schematic Diagram

Figure 1. DT-FOG Pedal Application Circuit’s Schematic Diagram

The schematic diagram of the DT-FOG pedal circuit is shown in the Figure 1. The schematic diagram is taken from the user manual of the DT-FOG module. Not only the schematic diagram and the module’s specification data, the user manual contains the bill of materials, PCB reference, wiring layout, and drill template to build the working pedal. Get everything you need to build the pedal in the following user manual document:


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